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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 August


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 August


Contents:  Of Trout And Deer (An old series of large rubs swings a spring trout angler’s thoughts from fishing to bow-hunting); Deer Research The Magnetic Power Of Acorns (Acorns are one of the most important natural autumn foods for white-tailed deer. Learn how oak forests produce these fat-builders and why deer prefer some more than others); Deer Hunting Tactics How To Win The Structure Game (The author shares his proven tactics for creating a sound hunting plan…and reveals three tools that can speed up your learning curve to becoming a great whitetail hunter); The Science Of Modern Archery: 6 Steps To Tighter Arrow Groups (Whatever bow-and-arrow combination you choose, remember, even slight changes can affect your overall accuracy. Here are six steps to improve your overall skills); Why Fred Bear Loathed The Compound Bow (Learn why America’s most memorable bowyer never tool a liking to the invention that propelled archery into the modern era); Bows, Bucks & The Big Woods (Our Northeast field editor provides tips for tackling bow-hunting’s biggest challenge: outsmarting mature whitetails in big timber); How To Prevent Shoulder Pain (If shoulder problems are putting the pinch on your bow-hunting, these tips and exercises can put you back at full draw…comfortably); Deer Hunter Behavior Crossbow Capabilities (Hunters often argue about the merits of using crossbows during archery seasons. Now scientists address the same questions); Deer Hunting Heritage Hubert Of Aquitaine: Deer Hunting’s Patron Saint (Many consider hunting to be a sacred activity, bordering on a religious experience. Learn how one man’s encounter with a large stag forever changed the lives of deer hunters everywhere); Skin A Deer In A Jiffy (By using this fast, effective method, skinning your deer doesn’t have to be a chore); How Staging Areas Flip The Switch (If you’re not seeing bucks while hunting along field edges, hunt staging areas just inside the woods. Our editor shows you how); Tragedy In The Deer Woods (The officer who arrested the suspect in Wisconsin’s Rice Lake shootings relates his amazing tale of a day that will live in infamy); The Fifth Participant (The human hunter is merely one of nature’s many predators with certain biological needs that require another life to end) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Buck Shots; Rue’s Views; Quality Deer; Candid Whitetails; New Gear For 2005; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Deer Browse; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  August 2005

Condition:  Very Good