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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2003 March


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2003 March


Contents:  A Buck For Dad (It took the author three seasons of missteps and botched opportunities, but he finally delivered on a promise he made to his father in his waning days. It was a promise made during one of those rare moments in life when you expose your soul in all its purity and vulnerability); Deer Research Diary Of A Killer Winter (The severe winter of 1964 took a heavy toll on whitetails in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Our Research Editor chronicles what he experienced while studying Northern whitetails living – and often dying – in the Petrel Grade Deeryard); Hunting The Waning Rut (After chasing whitetails for more than three decades, the author has refined his approach for hunting the waning rut. His tips and tactics are valuable for any whitetail hunter); Game Wardens vs. Poachers: When The Game Turns Deadly (Conservation wardens put their lives on the line and work around the clock to protect our white-tailed deer resource. Tragically, they sometimes pay the ultimate price. The author examines some of the extreme cases in this, the second article of a two-part series); How Old Is Old Enough For Hunting On Your Own (Are minimum age requirements hindering our efforts to recruit new hunters? Our Southeast field editor examines the logic behind age requirements and explains why he believes some states should change their regulations); A New Breed Of Whitetail Artists (More than ever, wildlife artists are capturing real-life situations and immortalizing them with paint and canvas. Meet four of the top whitetail artists and learn how they use their passions for deer hunting to create incredible works of art); Hunter Behavior Seeking Sound Science (To best serve deer and deer habitat, hunters and nonhunters, deer biologists must consider politics when making management decisions); George Mattis & The Whitetail (When many hunters think of deer, they think of legendary outdoor writer George Mattis. Learn how Mattis used simple tactics to outwit bicks in the days when deer were scarce); Quality Deer Food Plot Maintenance 101 (The calendar might say it’s late winter, but it’s not too early to get your food plots ready for spring planting. The author provides step-by-step tips for planting food plots); Buck Shots Wide 9-Pointer Duped Tennessee Hunters For 7 Years (Learn how the author outsmarted a world-class buck that lived in a heavily hunted area); Deer Browse New Hampshire ‘Buck’ Bears Fawn (This road-killed deer had all the makings of a buck – except for the fact it was pregnant); Kurt Little (Believe or not, there was a time when deer hunting didn’t revolve around competition, pressure and “no hunting” signs) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; New Gear For 2003; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  March 2003

Condition:  Very Good