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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2003 January


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2003 January


Contents:  The Cabin Of Seven Shells (As long as he kept coming back, the author knew he and his dad would never be farther apart than the familiar drives to the little cabin in the North Woods); Is The Insurance Industry Controlling Our Deer Herds? (With deer-car accidents and harvest quotas at all-time highs, many hunters have accused insurance companies of conspiring with biologists to lower deer populations. The author examines the logic behind such claims); Deer Behavior How Fires Improve Deer Habitat And Hunting Prospects (Fire is often associated with evil, but in the case of whitetailed deer habitat, it’s often a godsend. Learn about the history of wildfires and the science behind using fires as a tool for managing forests and deer populations); Deer Research How Parasites Plague Whitetails (Whitetails have always been plagued by parasites. As with any animal, parasites are more prevalent among the poorest and weakest whitetails – especially malnourished deer – living on cramped range. Here’s a look at what happens when parasites enter the picture); Wanted: Game Wardens Skittish Scouts Need Not Apply (Law enforcement in the deep woods was much different in the 1930s and ’40s than it is today. In this, Part 1 of a two part series, the author explains how old-time wardens placed their lives on the line to catch poachers and protect the nation’s whitetails); 30 Tips For Hunting In The Snow (Hunting deer in the snow is one of the most exciting and invigorating ways to spend a late-season day. Whether you hunt in the snow country of the Midwest and Northeast, or merely receive a rare snowfall down South, give these tips a try the next time the white stuff flies); Chasing The Best Taxidermist For Your Buck (Taxidermy is a rare luxury for most deer hunters. Why then, do so many hunters only look at the price tag when selecting a taxidermist?); Whitetails & Winchesters, Part 2 Deer Hunting Nostalgia Of The ’40s (Although the 1940s featured diverse hunters and literature, these elements held a common thread: Winchester fireearms); Coming Of Age At The Ten-Point Inn (A week at a backwoods deer camp lit the author’s deer-hunting fire and cemented lifelong friendships); Buck Shots 4-Year Quest Ends When Hunter Dupes Record-Class 9-Pointer (Learn how the author used patience, persistence and a little luck to outsmart a world-class Ontario buck); Deer Browse Bizarre But True: Blood Trail Leads Hunter To ‘Bonus Buck’ (When Leo Hubik set off to track a 7-pointer he shot, he also found an 8-pointer – with its antlers locked to his buck); Memories Of A Georgia Deer Hunter (As Uncle Bill began pulling his trigger, he spied a flaw. Part of the buck’s antler was missing – it was the buck he had shot two weeks earlier! Uncle Bill pulled the trigger) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Quality Deer; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views; Hunter’s Library; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; New Gear For 2003; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  January 2003

Condition:  Very Good