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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 September


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 September


Contents:  September 11, 2001 (The author hopes that one day people will realilze how hard their ancestors struggled for freedom. He also hopes future hunters will cherish sunrises as much as he does); Chronic Wasting Disease: It’s Not Wasting Away (Chronic wasting disease threatens to forever change American deer hunting. The author chronicles the disease’s inauspicious appearance); The Ultimate Dream Job Studying Whitetails Year-Round As A Professional Biologist (Ever wish you could earn a living in a field related to deer hunting? If so, a job as a biologist might be for you); What Makes A ‘Good’ Deer? (The author believes a buck’s antlers and body size should play minor roles in rating a whitetail’s potential. He explains why in this thought-provoking essay); Grow Your Own (Quality deer management is more popular than ever. After practicing it on his farm for 10 years, the author has one regret. He reveals the answer in this stunning pictorial); Tactics For Hunting The Rut’s Most Difficlut Transistion Period (Hunting the transistion period between the feeding and breeding phases can be the toughest and most challenging weeks of bow-hunting season. Learn tactics that can keep you one step ahead of elusive whitetails); Deer Research: How Whitetails Climb The Dominance Ladder (The whitetail’s dominance order is an effective means of improving survival prospects. However, individual rank is in a constant state of flux. Our research editor explains why); Deerskin: An American Tradition (Deerskin is the aristocrat of leathers – durable, buttery soft and perpetually hip. Learn deerskin’s history in North America, and how some find its allure almost spiritial); On The Trail Of Desert-Mountain Whitetails (The Southern Rockies harbor a whitetail herd so unique relatively few hunters receive tags each year. Therefore, hunters who draw tags can expect a once-in-a-lifetime hunt); Public-Land Sanctuaries Where The Big Boys Roam (Whether you hunt public land in Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi or West Virginia, It’s imperative to find areas where deer feel safe. The author explains how hunters find – and hunt – often overlooked whitetail sanctuaries); Quality Deer It’s Not Too Late For Food Plots (The newest regular column for D&DH explains how to make your land more attractive to whitetails); Buck Shots My First Bow-Kill: A 31-Pointer! (An elbow injury and a pounding headache couldn’t keep this hunter from bagging one of Alberta’s biggest bucks); Sneaking Towards Autumn (The cool air carries the faint peeps of tree frogs, a sign summer is still hanging on. The hunter smiles, knowing at least in his mind – it’s already gone) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Deer Browse; Hunter’s Library; New Gear For 2002; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  September 2002

Condition:  Very Good