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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 October


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 October


Contents:  Ten Seconds To Success (Deer hunting success is the product of more than just scouting and strategy. A positive attitude is also critical); Flexible Or Inflexible: What’s The Best Approach For Hunting The Rut? (There’s nothing wrong with planning rut-hunting strategies. However, etching tactics in stone often leads to failure); 2002 Lunar Forecast: The Worst Rut Ever? (This year’s rutting moon will occur later than any we’ve seen in years. Although this might not bode well for hunters, learn which dates hold the most promise); Serious Hunters Looking For The Signposts (D&DH readers are not only paying more attention to rubs, they’re using what they know to outsmart more bucks. Here are the results from our 2001 rub-hunting survey); Deer Research Bucks Rubs: Calling Cards With Timeless Appeal (Our research editor takes an in-depth look at what science has taught biologists about the rut’s most visible signpost); Scrape Surveillance (Remote-sensing cameras offer a unique way to unlock scrape secrets. Our Southern field editor explains how to put a camera to work when rutting activity nears its peak); What To Do When Rut Expectations Fall Flat (Hunters can improve their chances for rut-hunting success – even when the rut doesn’t live up to pre-season hoopla); Fatal Attraction: Timing Is Everything When Using Deer Decoys (Deer decoys can be your best friend or worst enemy. Should you own a decoy? Absolutely. When should you use it? The author explains); The Rites Of Autumn (See how the whitetail adapts to autumn’s shorter days and cooler weather in this stunning seven-page pictorial); Buck Fawns In The Harvest: Tragic Loss Or Necessary Evil? (Do huge antlerless deer harvests take a disproportionate toll on buck fawns? Our associate editor crunches the numbers and examines the facts); Silver Creek Deer Camp (The author chronicles a group of turn-of-the-century hunters who created one on Michigan’s most famour deer camps); Do You Hear What I Hear? (A deer’s ears are amazingly similar to those of humans. Sound travels through the middle ear and vibrates the eardrum, touching auditory nerves. However, the similarities end there); Rite Of Passage (With his father’s advice echoing in his head, the boy leveled the shotgun’s barrel toward the walking deer) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Quality Deer, Rue’s Views; Buck Shots; Deer Browse; Candid Whitetails; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of he Wild; Hunter’s Library; New Gear For 2002; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  October 2002

Condition:  Very Good