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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 June


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 June


Contents:  A Season For Stumps (Wandering around the woods and shooting arrows into stumps probably doesn’t sound like a good day to some folks. However, experiencing the sounds and smells of the spring winds while bridging the generation gap between a grandfather and his grandson makes this more than a worthwhile annual event); Deer Hunting, German Style: A Picture Of America’s Future? (Think deer hunting is strictly a North American phenomenon? It’s not. Germany has a rich deer-hunting heritage. However, the country’s history has molded a drastically different hunting culture than the one we embrace. The author explains how Germany’s elite class call all the shots when it comes to deer and deer hunting); Hunter Behavior How Game Wardens Track Down Poachers (A warden’s job is to catch violators, but wardens fail when they repeatedly catch the same people. The problem is nearly epic in Wisconsin, where wardens work tirelessly to nab habitual whitetail poachers. The author explains how hard work and technology is helping wardens win the war); Deer Research How Nutrition Affects Whitetail Reproduction (Whitetail populations aren’t equally prolific or healthy. Depending on nutrition, doe health and productivity might vary greatly by area or year, even within the same region. Our research editor explains why most deer populations never achieve maximum reproductive potential, and he offers tactics managers can use to reverse downward trends caused by malnutrition); Deer Biology Where Do All The Fawns Go? (After tallying fawn kills for two years, Pennsylvania researchers learned how bears, coyotes and bobcats prey on deer populations. The landmark study provides biologists with an invaluable profile of how the state’s diverse habitats affect fawn control); New Gear For 2002 (Hundreds of cutting-edge products were unveiled at this year’s ourdoors trade shows. This expanded section looks at the most exciting products for 2002. Also included is an invaluable section where you can order free catalogs); Sweepstakes Winners’ Whitetail Dreams Come True (The 2001 Deer & Deer Hunting sweepstakes hunts were filled with whitetail action. Find out how Colorado’s Walter Payne did on his November gun-hunt in Manitoba and how Missouri’s Tim Roberts fared on his rut-time bow-hunt in western Illinois); Candid Whitetails Broken-Antlered Bucks Abound (The author knows several hunters who killed bucks with broken antlers in 2001. Thanks to remote-sensing cameras, several hunters protographed such bucks befora and during hunting season. Here’s a glimpse at some of the battle-scarred bruisers); Deer Browse Bow-Hunter Ends Two-Year Quest For Record-Class Nontypical (David Glithero had the opening-day hunt of a lifetime in 2001, bagging a 16-point buck that he missed the previous year. Learn more about his incredible hunt for this potential Ontario record buck); The Things You Don’t Know (When the buck faded from view, I realized how hard my heart had been pounding. Although i remained frozen, the buck did not return. No matter. It was a good sign. It was going to be a good season, right?) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Hunter’s Library; Rue’s Views; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  June 2002

Condition:  Very Good