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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 December


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 December


Contents:  Keeping The Flame Alive (The author knows he could tag more deer if he hunted the farmlands or river bottoms. However, that’s not what keeps his hunter’s heart pounding. And that’s why he packs up his tent and camping provisions and heads for the wilderness when the annual gun-hunting season draws near); The Gun Hunt: Deer Management’s Big Hammer (Many die-hard bow-hunters lament firearms hunts for shortening their seasons and reducing adult buck numbers. Despite these valid concerns, bow-hunters invariably take a backseat, because gun seasons provide a service bow-hunting cannot); The Top 5 Bullets For Deer Hunting (Although most popular deer hunting bullets perform adequately, few stand above the crowd. The author reveals his five favorites and explains why they’re the best picks for hunting whitetails across North America); Dixieland Delights: The Favorite Deer Guns Of Southern Hunters (When gun-hunting the hills of Virginia, swamps of Mississippi and pine plantations of Alabama, hunters need different firepower than what’s required in the North, East and West. Our Southeast field editor explains why, and lists his favorite guns for various situations); Running Shots At Whitetails: Do You Have What It Takes? (Shooting at a bounding whitetail is an intense experience. However, running deer can be shot and killed cleanly if you have the necessary skill. The author explains how to obtain such experience); The Birth Of A Food Plot (This amazing pictorial shows how the author turned a wilderness opening into a lush, nutrituous food plot for whitetails. All it took was a little cash and a lot of sweat); Whitetails & Winchesters: Icons Of The 1940s, Part 1 (The 1940s was one of deer hunting’s most eventful decades. Besides featuring big bucks, colorful hunters and superb deer hunting literature, the era saw Winchester rifles gain widespread acceptance in the deer woods); Deer Research Factors That Trigger Deer Migration (If you hunt migratory whitetails, study the fall behavior of deer in your area carefully. By staying open-minded, you might enjoy more deer sightings during weeks that don’t adhere to the conclusions made from years of scientific research); Quality Deer You Need To Be A Bean Counter (Collecting data isn’t the most exciting aspect of growing quailty whitetails, but it’s an integral part of the program. Learn how detailed deer-harvest data can help you meet your hunting goals); Buck Shots Christmas Comes Early In Iowa (The author’s first buck with a gun was one to remember: a 190-class 14-pointer with a double drop tines! Learn the details behind her once-in-a-lifetime hunt); The Worst Sound I Ever Heard (If you and your hunting partners read just one article before this year’s gun-hunting season, make sure it’s this one. It just might change the way you hunt) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Deer Browse; New Gear For 2002; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  December 2002

Condition:  Very Good