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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 August


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2002 August


Contents:  Fair Game (The morning sun was just beginning to warm the young bow-hunter when he spotted an adult doe approaching his stand. His heart rate accelerated, and every breath resounded in his ears as the moment of truth drew closer); Ground Attack: When Tree Stands Aren’t An Option (Unlike hunting from high places, ground-based bow-hunting offers little room for error. However, the painstaking efforts are well worth the results. Our editor offers tips on how to bushwack whitetails throughout the season); How Bow-Hunting Makes You A Better Hunter (Mastering the art of bow-hunting is the ultimate challenge. If you can kill a whitetail while using a bow and arrow, you can proficiently hunt almost any game animal. Our Northern field editor explains how archery helps hunters become better woodsmen); Top Tactics For Pressured Bucks (Whether it’s on public land or small private parcels, hunting pressure seemingly sends big bucks underground. Learn proven tactics that help hunters stay a step ahead of reclusive whitetails); The Six-Pack Plan For Early-Season Success (Although warm weather, biting insects and secretive deer make the early season less attractive than the rut, a little added care might make your early-autumn efforts the most productive of the year); Season Of Expectations (For whitetails, the three months before bow-hunting season are filled with changes. From newborns to mature bucks, summer is defined by growth. This eight-page pictorial illustrates the whitetails amazing summer progression); Deer Research When A Wink Is As Good As A Nudge (The whitetail’s subtle body postures and gestures aren’t easy to read. Our research editor explains how to decipher this complex body language); Special Report: Fatal Deer Disease Makes Giant Leap Eastward (The appearance of chronic wasting disease in wild Wisconsin whitetails marks the first time the disease has been found east of the Mississippi River. Here are the shocking details); Modern Deer Management:Balancing Biology, Politics & Tradition (Innovative approaches to deer management highlighted this year’s Southeast Deer Study Group meetings. Learn the latest strategies being considered for managing booming deer herds); The Deer-Vehicle Dilemma: Who’s To Blame, And What’s The Solution (With the deer-vehicle problem epidemic in some states, hunters, managers, developers and corporations are being asked to stop pointing fingers and help search for solutions); Bizarre Nontypical Might Shatter Missouri Record (Learn the story behind the hunt for a 33-point buck); An Appointment In The Cedar Swamp (You don’t always need antlers to rattle up a buck) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views, Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Deer Browse; Hunter’s Library; New Gear For 2002

Issue:  August 2002

Condition:  Very Good