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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 September


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 September


Contents:  Conclusion Or Confusion? (The more the author analyzed his field notes, the more he realized how much he didn’t know about whitetails); Divided We Fall? Baiting Wars Pit Brother Against Brother (Baiting opponents say hunters should shun the practice to remain strong against anti-hunters. Others believe an assault on baiting is about hunters’ rights. The battle has already divided many more-strong allies); They Showed Us The Way: Deer Hunting’s Top 5 Inspirational Leaders (In January, we asked you to vote for deer hunting’s most inspirational leaders of the 1900s. Here’s who you said made the greatest impact on deer and deer hunting); Deer Research Sandhill Shootout: Proof That Determined Hunters Succeed (In 1972, Wisconsin deer researchers planned to eliminate whitetails in a 9,150-acre area with the help of hunters. The hunters succeeded in record time, and their efforts helped shape many of today’s deer-management models); The Amazing Deer Antler, Part 2: The Evolution And Function Of Antlers (The author discusses five commonly cited theories on the evolution of antlers. Learn more about these mysterious structures in an eight-page pictorial, the second in a two-part series on white-tailed deer antlers); Should We Use Crossbows? (Point: No! It’s not a True Bow and Arrow. Vaznis argues that crossbows are hybrid weapons with no place in current archery seasons. Counterpoint: Yes! They help recruit more young and old hunters. Smith claims that crossbows promote additional hunting opportunities and help achieve deer-management goals); Battling An Allergy In Whitetails (Many deer hunters suffer from allergies to deer hair, dander and blood. With today’s breakthroughs in medicine, there’s no need to suffer any longer); How Healthy Is Venison? (Venison is no longer only a meat for hunters. The nonhunting, health-conscious segment of society is turning to venison as a chemical-free, low-fat, source of protein, minerals and vitamins); Two-Timing Stands: Why I Go Back For Seconds (The time to change stands is when fresh sign disappears and you’re not seeing deer. The author reveals rut-time tips and tactics for killer tree-stand setups); Lunar Insights: Hunter Expectations Didn’t Match Actual Buck Activity (Learn what D&DH readers had to say about our Northern field editor’s lunar predictions, and discover how some used the information to waylay deer in 1999); Deer Behavior: How Well Do Orphaned Fawns Survive? (Timing is everthing, especially in deer management. By harvesting does too early in the season, hunters can sometimes lower the survival rate of orphaned fawns); Myth & Howard (When I enter the farmhouse driveway, I know two people will be waiting to hear every word of my hunting stories) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Candid Whitetails; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Rue’s Views; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Issues & Answers; Deer Browse; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  September 2000

Condition:  Very Good