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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 October


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 October


Contents: Boxscores & Beanfield Bucks (As bland as it seems, my best memories of my youth are of the daily sports page and a 20-acre soybean field); Shots At Whitetails Returns (Larry Koller’s classic 1948 book Shots At Whitetails is back! Even today, Koller’s teachings remain relevant and timeless); Fall Forecast: This Year’s Rut Should Be Wild (Using the lunar formula he devised with Vermont biologist Wayne Laroche, our Northern field editor predicts a fast and furious rut that will provide spectacular hunting); Lunar Forces Difficult To Identify In Deer Activity (Rut intensity is determined by many factors, not just the moon’s phases. In the second article of a two-part series, learn why D&DH readers rank lunar influences so low); Deer Research – Contrary Opinion: Lunar Forces Don’t Control Whitetail Breeding (Our research editor reviews 19 years of data from Michigan’s square-mile Cusino enclosure to explain why he believes the moon doesn’t influence the whitetail’s rut); Deer Behavior – New Research Suggests Scrapes Offer Low-Odds Hunting (A University of Georgia study used motion-activated video cameras to monitor deer activity at six scrapes. What they learned challenges traditional thinking about scrape usage); Remote-Sensing Cameras: Throwing Dirt On Scrape Myths (The author’s research shows many bucks often use the same scrape ant that most visits occur at night); 5 Secret Strategies For Bow Hunters (The author reveals his top five scent tactics that consistantly bring bucks to his bootlaces); Rubs In The River Bottoms (A High Plains buck has terrorized trees, fence posts and telephone poles in recent years. And it might still be alive); When To Ignore Grandpa’s Rules (The author’s defining moment as a big-buck hunter came when he turned his back on many traditional deer hunting beliefs and tactics he had learned from his elders); With A Little Bit Of Luck (If Friday the 13th frightens you, these hunting superstitions might be of interest. A little luck never hurts, right?); Cradle Robbers? The Impact Of Black Bear Predation On Fawns (The author reveals how black bears prey on fawns and why predation data should be used in setting harvest strategies); 1999: An Insightful Year Of Research (Researchers across America are forever learning about the whitetail. Read what revelations were unearthed in 1999); Save The Heart, OK? (When Gordy learned I didn’t always keep everything from the deer I killed, he approached me with a humble request) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Candid Whitetails; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Hunter’s Library; Deer Browse; Rue’s Views; Issues & Answers; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  October 2000

Condition:  Very Good