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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 November


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 November


Contents:  The Legend Of Glen’s Buck (Glen grinned as the buck flagged its way across a mile of open field. He vowed not to let that happen again); Jake’s Buck (The author shares one of his son’s most memorable moments – one that put a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes); Deer Research Signposts Lead To Big Bucks (Mature bucks intensively scent-mark their range, and with practice, you can decipher their intriguing calling cards and unravel their secrets); The Hunter’s Choice For Quality: The 3 1/2 Year-Old Buck (Our Southeastern field editor explains how bucks go from budding adults to trophy-class animals in one crucial year); Big Antler Genes: Are We Headed The Wrong Way? (When hunter’s selectively shoot bucks based on antler size, they might be removing the best sires from an age-class of bucks. Could this practice affect the herd’s gene pool?); How To Make Hot Mock Scrapes (This seven-page pictorial shows and explains how mock scrapes can take hunting enjoyment to a new level); Why I’m Proud To Be A Trophy Hunter (The author explains why big-buck memories and herd-management goals are more important than antler scores); QDM On The Farm: The Role Of Good Forestry Practices (Our Northern field editor explains how to transform an ordinary woodlot into a nutritious, forage-producing smorgasbord for whitetails); Aging White-Tailed Deer On The Hoof (Aging live deer is not an exact science, but through careful observation, you can find clues. Here’s what to look for); Bucks On The 5-Year Plan (Our editor explains why you must be flexible and not expect overnight success when hunting new areas); What Makes The Experts So Successful? (Learn strategies from eight working-class deer hunters); Motion-Triggered Cameras: What Can They Teach Us About Buck Activity? (Researchers used remote-sensing cameras to reveal the natural autumn movement patterns of a deer herd); Are Deer Hunters Too Trophy Conscious? (The author explains why hunters should leave their measuring tapes at home and enjoy the thrill of the hunt); Why High Expectations Might Net Low Results (Learn why high bag limits can set you up for disappointment); Can I Carry Your Pack? (The old man didn’t need his grandson’s help. After all, he had hunted these woods for years without assistance) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views; Deer Browse; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Hunter’s Library; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Closet/Where To Go

Issue:  November 2000

Condition:  Very Good