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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 June


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 June


Contents:  Temptation (Opening day was just minutes old when the hunter pulled the trigger on a spike, his first deer in several years. But while making a one-man drive to his partner, he spied an 8-pointer. It would be easy to leave the spike behind and switch the tag to the bigger buck. Or so he thought); Odor-Free Tactics: Beating The Whitetail’s Nose (Although it’s impossible to beat a whitetail’s nose 100 percent of the time, much can be done to improve your chances for success. Our Northern field editor explains how deer use their noses to detect danger, and he offers tips and tactics on how to dupe wary bucks); Missouri River Breaks Sweepstakes; Trophy Hunting: The Defendent Will Now Rise (Is it ethically wrong to hunt only big-racked whitetails? That’s a difficult cult question to answer, especially when most hunters can’t agree on what constitutes a “trophy hunter”. The author examines the topic and explains why he proudly proclaims he’s a trophy hunter); Whitetail Gold: Missouri Hunters Strike It Rich On ’99 Sweepstakes Hunt (The 1999 Deer & Deer Hunting sweepstakes hunts were exciting and action-packed. Our managing editor takes you on both hunts in this eight-page pictorial of big bucks and wide-eyed sweepstakes winners); New Gear For 2000 & Contest SHOT Show/AMO Show Review (Hundreds of products for deer hunters were unveiled at this year’s top outdoors trade shows. This 13-page section reviews the hottest items for 2000. Don’t miss your chance to win one of them!); Deer Research Whitetail Fawns: From Suckling Infants To Robust Ruminants In Two Months (White-tailed fawns grow rapidly and assume adult habits at a young age. But even under optimal conditions, the newborn fawn’s survival prospects hinge heavily on myriad factors. Our research editor details what puts fawns on the fast track for survival and what can doom them from the start); Deer Behavior 1,500-Acre Shootout: Down To The Last Deer (Eliminating the deer herd from a 1,500-acre enclosure in eastern Michigan became necessary when biologists determined the captive herd was infected with bovine turerculosis. The project not only provided insights on deer management, but it proved how elusive whitetails can be); Deer Browse The Great Hair Debate: Do Deer Shed Once Or Twice Annually? (Since printing an article on molting in the October 1999 issue, we’ve heard from whitetail fanactics across North America who disagree with Ian Alcock’s opinion that whitetails molt only once a year. Who’s right? Both sides check in with their latest arguements); Candid Whitetails It’s Not Just Bucks That Fight (Remote-sensing cameras have become popular with deer hunters over the past several years, thanks to their ability to help hunters locate and scout whitetails. In this new D&DH department, we share stunning photos of doe fights taken with hunter’s hidden cameras); Old Friends & Hoppe’s No. 9 (Deer hunting’s value is linked to hundreds, if not thousands, of stimuli. It’s the sweet camaraderie of hunting camp, or the even sweeter silence of the land. It’s the colors of autumn and the scents of earth, evergreens and gun solvent. It’s all those things and so much more) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Hunting Catalogs; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Rue’s View; Issues & Answers; Hunter’s Library; Hunter’s Closet; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild

Issue:  June 2000

Condition:  Very Good