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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 December


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 December


Contents:  The High Road (His first deer hunt occured nearly 30 years ago, but the author still recalls the day as if it were yesterday. Why? Because it marked a turning point in his life); Making Long Range A Reality (Killing whitetails with long-range shots is not magic, and it shouldn’t involve luck. Hunters can learn how to shoot more accurately and responsibly at long range by knowing and practicing with their equipment); North Woods Radio Stations Reach Out To Deer Camps (Radio stations in northern Michigan and Wisconsin deliver news, entertainment and urgent messages to remote deer camps); Tales From Buck Mountain (The author shares his experiences from a special place he’s visited with his family, and one he hopes will host deer hunts for future generations); Time Check: Buck Marks End Of 1900s (Our editor recounts a memorable blackpowder hunt to western Iowa that ended with success on the last day of 1999); The Bucks Camp (This early 1900s Wisconsin deer camp will live forever in the minds of hunters, not only as a glimpse into the past, but as a reminder of North America’s deer camp traditions); Sweet Results Often Come At The Bitter End (After several days or weeks of unproductive hunting, most hunters lose their confidence. It’s a common trap that is hard to avoid. Learn how patience and perseverance can pay off for you this fall); QDM On The Farm – Part 2: It’s In The Stones (Wise soil management is a cog to a successful quality deer management program. The author explains how to achieve your QDM goals in this second article of a four-part series); Deer Research Why Older Does Make Better Mothers (When maternally experienced does comprise the bulk of the breeding herd, more fawns survive their first year of life. Learn how does use their experience to raise healthy fawns); Hunter Behavior Can There Be Too Many Hunters? (The author believes it’s time for hunters to stop worrying about how many people actually hunt and be more concerned with uniting as one cohesive, intelligent group); The Visitor (I was surprised to see the hunter roaming around on opening day. From the sheepish wave he gave, I expected him to slink away, embarrassed at the intrusion. He didn’t); Deer Browse Saskatchewan Buck Soars To Top Of P&Y Book (Learn how David Tvait outsmarted a massive velvet-clad 10-pointer he had hunted for two years); The Rock (When the author found a fossil in the deer woods, it stirred his curiosity. He couldn’t help but pick it up and marvel) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Candid Whitetails; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Rue’s Views; Hunter’s Library; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  December 2000

Condition:  Very Good