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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1999 October


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1999 October


Contents:  An Empty Seat (This mountainside deer stand was never really mine. Now, as I sit here listening to the wind, I can feel its emptiness); Why Do They Call It The Rut? (Does the word rut cause your heart to pound? Find out who coined the word that describes every hunter’s favorite time of year); Rut Strategy: – How To Take Advantage Of The Rutting Moon (Our Northern field editor explains how hunters can use lunar information and hunting strategies to waylay bucks when rutting activity peaks); Field Edges & Cross-Trailing Bucks: – A New Plan For Rut-Time Success (Hunters can get closer to rutting bucks by studying the habits of antlerless deer. Learn the author’s time-proven tactics); Rattling Bucks: – The Harder You Work, The Luckier You’ll Be! (No matter where you hunt, deceiving mature bucks with rattling isn’t easy. Our Southern field editor explains tactics to dupe big bucks); On The Trail Of Rutting Bucks – An Urban Deer Story (Urban bucks grow to maturity by holding tight in small woodlots, right? Wrong. The author’s research shatters this myth on rut-time behavior); Deer Research – Lessons From Big Bucks I’ve Known (Do deer have personalities? After 22 years of studying deer in a Michigan enclosure, our research editor explains and analyzes the personality traits of some memorable bucks); The Homemade Stand: – If You Build It, They Will Fall (The results are in from our lastest tree-stand safety survey. These insights into the dangers of homemade stands might save your life! Part 1 of a three-part series); Meat & Bones: – How Much Meat Is On One Deer? (Our managing editor explains how to calculate venison yields and provides intriguing insights from meat processors); Megabytes And Mega Bucks: – Find out how to quench your thirst for deer hunting with a few of today’s hottest computer games and journals); Meshach Browning And His Famous Buck Fight (Meshach Browning, a pioneer hunter, fought wounded bucks with his bare hands while roaming the Maryland wilderness in the late 1700s and early 1800s); The Beech Nut: – An Unsung Hero Of The Deer Woods (As its nuts drop by the handful, the beech tree attracts and feeds every hungry animal in the woods); Contrary Opinion: – Deer Molt Once Annually In Spring (The author’s research on European deer might change the way Americans view white-tailed deer molting patterns) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Issues & Answers; Deer Browse; Tactical Tips/Tricks; Rue’s Views; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; New Gear For ’99; One Hunter’s Heart

Issue:  October 1999

Condition:  Very Good