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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1999 January


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1999 January


Contents:  Dad’s Stand (The death of his father hit Cal hard. In fact, it wasn’t until opening day of deer season – three years after his father died – that he again felt the excitement of being a hunter. He also learned what really mattered in the deer woods); Handle With Care: Venison Is Only As Good As Its Keeper (Transforming a deer from a carcass to mouth-watering venison requires several important tasks. When done with care, these tasks form an intriguing aspect of hunting’s deep traditions); Deer Behavior – Photographing Deer Where You Hunt: Seeing Is Believing (Infrared-triggered camera systems are the new wave of deer surveys. Learn how you can use this technology to manage your land and unravel the secrets of big bucks); Deer Research – Fawn Harvesting: A Logical Alternative For Northern Range (When given anterless deer tags, most hunters choose to kill mature does because they provide more meat. Learn why this thinking is flawed, and how hunters can benefit the deer herd by harvesting a large portion of the annual fawn population); Sure-Fire Muzzleloading: Avoiding Foul-Weather Misfires (Muzzleloading in foul weather doesn’t have to be an “iffy” proposition. By following a few simple precautions and good loading practices, you can turn most of today’s muzzleloading rifles into reliable performers in the woods); The Fur Factor: Deer Hair Biology And Your Hunt (Our Northern field editor says hunters, biologists and researchers can theorize all they want about what causes deer movement. He believes whitetails move when they feel most comfortable, and if they can move without overheating, they will. Learn why hair plays the biggest role in this equation); Shooting Tests: Would They Help Or Hurt Deer Hunting? (Some respondents to the Deer & Deer Hunting 1997 Readers’ Survey believe mandatory shooting tests would ensure more one-shot kills. Others believe tests do little to promote ethical behavior. In this, the third article in a three-part series, learn what your fellow readers believe); Deer And The Land: The Hunter’s Role In Ecosystem Management (If deer hunting is to survive the next century, we must face several problems. Discover what those problems are and what hunters must do to ensure that public policy doesn’t make them an endangered species); Issues & Answers – Who Are Our Deer Hunting Heroes? (Many deer hunting heroes are known for their prowess with a bow or gun, record-book bucks they’ve killed, or their business success as celebrities. Here’s a true story of 16 bow-hunters who did far more to earn our respect); Deer Browse – Shed-Hunter Finds Match…6 Years Later (In 1992, a New York deer hunter found an ordinary antler shed. That find turned out to be extraordinary when he returned to the site in 1998); One Last Hunt (Winter arrived on the shoulders of a Canadian high. Unlike the previous cold fronts, this one felt permanent. The weather, not the calendar, told the author it was the end of the season and time for one last hunt) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Spirit Of The Wild; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Rue’s Views; Tactical Tips/Tricks; New Gear For ’99; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  January 1999

Condition:  Very Good