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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1998 November


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 1998 November


Contents:  You Can’t Teach An Old Dad New Tricks (For Dad, hunting was nothing more than a way to put more meat on the table. However, as the doe approached our blind, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was changing his ways); From 6 Days To 140 Days: – Why Gun Seasons Vary In Length (Turn-of-the-century biologists did a commendable job formulating the first gun-deer seasons. The author examines how deer seasons were established, and why they still vary so greatly today across North America); Today’s Muzzleloaders: – Is It Time To Hit The Brakes? – (A skirmish stews between traditional and modern muzzleloading hunters. Do today’s muzzleloaders exceed the “primitive weapons” classification that helped create special seasons? Our comprehensive survey of North America examines the state of black-powder seasons); Root Causes: – How Deer Hunting Accidents Really Happen (The reasons behind hunting accidents involve many human behavior factors. By determining which behaviors lead to accidents, you can discover why they occur); Back-Breaker: – One Hunter’s Struggle With Agony (If you have a bad back, you will relate to the author’s struggle with endless pain. His insights take you inside the troubles associated with deer hunting and back pain, and he reveals tactics that will help you spend more time hunting and less time suffering); Camp Comfort (In 1899, fewer than 13,000 Michigan deer hunters bagged about 12,000 deer. Most of these deer were killed at a camp where men shed their worries of modern life to pursue the elusive whitetail. This eight-page pictorial depicts life in that “luxurious” deer camp); Deer Behavior – Nature Takes A Toll On Old Bucks (Are you interested in managing your land for mature bucks? The author reveals intriguing statistics to help you decide which bucks to kill and which ones to pass up); Deer Research – Bovine Tuberculosis In Michigan: A Lesson In Deer Mismanagement (Northeastern Michigan’s whitetails are plagued by the spread of turberculosis – the only known case in wild animals in North America. Although TB can be eradicated quickly in controlled settings, it’s far more difficult in the state’s Club Country region.); Temptation vs. Skill: – What Shots Would You Take? (In Part 2 of the analysis from our 1997 Readers’ Survey, we classify hunters based on shooting decisions they make at deer at various ranges under different field conditions)’ How Should Hunters View Other Predators? (We as hunters might become a minority without a voice if we’re not accepted in a democratic society. Learn how we can secure our acceptance by emulating predators); Deer Browse: Gun-Hunters Unravel Doe’s Incredible Death Run (It takes a determined, skillful woodsman to find a gut-shot deer. Whet, then, does it take to find a gutless deer?); Memories Remain (A man does not hunt in order to kill. Rather, a man kills in order to have hunted. And it’s the memories that count) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Tactical Tips; Issues & Answers; Hunter’s Library; Spirit Of The Wild; New Gear For ’98; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  November 1998

Condition:  Very Good