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Cycle Magazine 1985 January


Cycle Magazine 1985 January


Contents:  Road Test – Suzuki GS1150E (Welcome back the standard Superbike.) Shorts – Yamaha BW200 (Don’t lauch; it’s a donut-wheeled gas.), Yamaha YZ250 (New Tech ’85: braking and suspension joined.) Features – Standards of Measurement (The motorcycle yardsticks by which others are measured.), Yamaha FJ1100 (In America the definitive Superbike.), The Challenger: Honda VF1000R (On the gas with full-toot fairing and gear-driven cams.), Honda V65 Magna (Meanest mutha on the block for years.), The Challenger: Yamaha V-Max (It is to normal cruisers what shainsaws are to switchblades.), Honda Gold Wing Interstate (You could call it America’s Land Yacht.), The Challenger: Yamaha Venture Royale (Yamaha’s Battlewagon for the Interstate Armada.), Death of Standards (Good ideas never go away for long.), When The New Wears Off (Will you still be in love when your warranty is just a memory?), Don’s Look Back (Because racetracks come at you from the front.), Indian Summer All The Time (One man’s journey through life, through motorcycling.) Technical – Reeds: One-Way Valves (A simple idea elevated to new heights.) Departments – Editorial (Winter Irony.), TDC (What’s in the box?), Letters (There will always be a Norton.), Pipeline (Two of a Kind.), Bits (Number One.), The Duct Tapes (End of the Roll.), Review (Lucky Chuck.)

Issue:  January 1985

Condition:  Very Good