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Cycle Magazine 1984 September


Cycle Magazine 1984 September


Contents:  Road Tests – BMW K100RS (German passport for rapid travel.), Harley-Davidson Low Glide FXRS (It’s the Low Glide that’s the Tall Glide that’s the Great Glide.), Suzuki RM250E (All there except for the monogrammed cylinders.) Shorts – Honda VF700F Interceptor (Fifty cubic centimeters shorter, $800 lighter.), Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Classic (Full-boat touring.) Features – 500 Interceptor: The Second Sequel (More answers, but then more questions.), Great American Race: Crocks Loose On The Land (Return with us to the days of priming caps.), Journey To The Red Zone: Ninja GPz900R (What’s 300 degrees Fahrenheit between friends.), Adolfo (Two bikes, same guy – what’s the difference.), Tale of Two Survivors (A B33 BSA and its lifetime friend.), Fame And The $25 Manuscript (How cheap fame was.), Product Evaluation: Posa Tiedown Mates (Kinky name, bright new product.) Technical – Inside the RZV500R Yamaha (Like an excursion inside a DNA helix.), Pipe Schemes (No anorexic pipes, please.) Departments – Editorial (East or Reno, West of Indy.), Letters (Sagged out.), Pipeline (The way ahead?), The Duct Tapes (Two-Liners.), Road Test Index

Issue:  September 1984

Condition:  Very Good