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Cycle Guide Magazine 1985 March


Cycle Guide Magazine 1985 March


Contents:  Tests – Honda GL1200L Gold Wing Limited Edition (tens years after.), Kawasaki Ninja 600R (welterweight warrior.), Comparison Test: Kawasaki GPz550 vs Kawasaki Ninja 600R (shootout at the Big K corral.) Product Evaluations: Weapons For The Cold War – Eclipse Electric Vest (current fashion.), Bates Nylon Touring Suit (two easy pieces for the road.), Hondaline Elite Touring Gloves (digital dreams.) Guide Lines – Coming Soon (Kawasaki’s big-bore brutebike.), Kawasaki Eliminator (you have designs on this motorcycle.), Las Vegas Legacy (the selling of Steve McQueen.), Speciality File (Brooklands Britbike is back.), Rumors (Vulcan variants and Vance & Hines replicas.) Off-Road – Ride/Report: BMW Paris to Dakar Replica (which way to the oasis.), Product Evaluation: Axo Superbelt (waist watcher.), Product Evaluation: Castre Warrior Gloves (hands-down protection.), Test: Husqvarna 510TE (thumpthing for the woods.) Sport Lines – 1985 Roadracing Preview (Superbikes vs. Formula 1.), Buell RW750 )a new F1 contender.), Pit Bits (notes from our toolbox tape recorder.), Winners and Losers (both sides now.) Columns & Depts – Cycle Guide’s Cycle Guide (position paper.), Thompson At Large (think snow.), Setting It Right (can you get there from here?), Motomart (two-wheel buy lines for March.), Letters (of the write mind.)

Issue:  March 1985

Condition:  Very Good