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Cycle Guide Magazine 1968 May


Cycle Guide Magazine 1968 May


Contents:  Kick Stand (gripes and praise from our readers.), The Tool Box (Mike Capalite’s pearls of wisdom.), Inside Dope (latest from the industry.), Over The Handlebars (recollections by Don Gately.), What’s New (products for the rider and enthusiast.), Q & A (your questions and our answers.), Index To Advertisers (wherre to find ’em.) Features – 1968 Cycle Preview (a look at the new models.), Occupation: Motorcycle Mechanic (yep!), Lunchmeat (from the Cycle Delicatessen.), Aloha Digger (from the 50th state.) Technical – Tune For Torque (and have more fun…), Three Wheeler (part three of our struggle.) Road Tests – Ole! (the ’68 Bultaco Matador.) Competition – Racing Under The Bubble (AMA’s season opener.), AHRA Championship Drags (sticksville in Scottsdale.)

Issue:  May 1968

Condition:  Very Good