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Cruising Rider Magazine 2006 July


Cruising Rider Magazine 2006 July


Contents:  Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Steps Up (As mammoth flagship cruisers grew bigger, sexier and more expensive, respect for midsize bikes – pound for pound just as tough – shrunk, even though they outsold their big brothers. This brand-new middleweight figures a reckoning is due); Can’t Hide From The EPA-Man (Power and customization often fall prey to the Environmental Protection Agency. Just as we seem on the verge of the Metric Custom Age, noise – a growing national issue – and sensations are targeted. But maybe the news isn’t all bad); Suzuki M109R Bred To Blast (The M-for-Muscle Boulevard beast packs a lethal 109 cubic inches of street-murder malice. Oh, yeah, this is the all-new Suzuki we’ve been waiting for); Boss Hoss Eats The Street (Here’s a recipe for mind-blowing power. Take one fiery 1100-lb. monster, add 355 hp, sit, start and hold on for dear life as the asphalt melts beneath your boots); Americade Rocks! (No longer just a touring rally filled with Gold Wings, one of the nation’s best rallies is again ready to roll into the mountain town of Lake George, NY. Incredible scenery, fun venue, beautiful rides, but loud throttle kooks and burnout fiends need not apply); The Chinese Are Coming! (Prominent economists and industrialists already point to China as a quickly growing economic superpower. And now, following other Pacific Rim invaders, this awakening giant has the U.S. motorcycle market in its sights); Buyers’ Guide: Brake Systems (Cruising is about having fun, going places, seeing things and stopping along the way. But it’ll be hard to get happy if your bike’s brakes fail the need to scrub off speed. This is the right stuff to keep you in the here and now, and out of the great beyond) Columns – Kickin’ It (We’re all equal on the asphalt); Biker Billy (Marking time by the bikes we rode); Hansen’s Brain (Hit the road, and don’t come back too soon) Departments – Readers’ Writes (Fan mail, hate mail and love letters from the Edge); The Oracle Speaks (Divine wisdom you can’t ride without); Candy Store (Delectable treats for the chrome-toothed cruiser); Taste Test (Measuring the IQ of Roadgear Smart Jacket/Gloves/Boots, Riding with Shoei’s J-Wing Helmet); Easy Tech (Maintain your bike’s brakes); Road Gallery: The Wolfman and his were Star

Issue:  July 2006

Condition:  Very Good