Crosley Refrigerator Ad 1949


Crosley Refrigerator Ad from June 20, 1949 Life magazine.

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Crosley Refrigerator Ad 1949Full color 10″ x 14″ ad for the 8 Models available this year, all with the Shelvador. The ad has a picture of two ladies and a man looking at the Model DA-11 which is having it’s door held open so the quantity of food that this 10.5 cu. ft. unit can hold is evident. The ad headline claims that “the ’49 Crosley’s got the Woman’s Angle! Twice as much Food where you want front in sight in reach”. The ad talks about items that will appeal to a woman’s viewpoint under the headings “Talk about extra room…”“And this freezer compartment…” and “So many conveniences…” while there is also a section that discusses “And from the man’s angle…” which brings up many of the construction features. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  June 20, 1949 Life magazine.