Colgate Ad December 1948


Colgate Ad from December 13, 1948 Life magazine.

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Black and white 5″ x 13″ ad that is for their Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream. This ad starts with a picture of a man placing his hand on the shoulder of a woman who is responding with a stern look on her face as the little boy stands behind them and whispers “She Won’t Letcha I Betcha!”. It then goes into four action-photos, the first being the man having a talk with the little boy who was being so helpful, “A fine time to horn in. What do you know that I don’t, Junior?” The boy responds, “I know how sis feels about bad breath! Honest, Joe, you want to see your dentist before you try that kiss routine on Jane”. In the second picture, the man is seeing his dentist and he is holding a toothbrush up and saying, “To combat bad breath, I recommend Colgate Dental Cream! For scientific tests prove that in 7 out of 10 cases Colgate instantly stop bad breath that originates in the mouth”. In the third picture, the dentist is still talking, Colgate’s active penetrating foam gets into hidden crevices between teeth – helps clean out decaying food particles – stop stagnant saliva odors – remove the cause of much bad breath”. In the fourth picture, it shows Joe, in his own bathroom, with toothbrush and Colgate, and saying “No other toothpaste cleans teeth better than Colgate Dental Cream. And now I go for Colgate’s grand wake-up flavor!”. There is another picture at the bottom of the page showing Joe and Jane, Jane with her arm around Joe, and Joe saying “Now that I am in the know, there’s no need for mistletoe!”.

Source:  December 13, 1948 Life magazine.