Coleman Ad 1950


Coleman Ad from October 1950 Country Gentleman.

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Coleman Ad 1950Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Golden Anniversary Oil Heaters. The ad has a picture of a group of people sitting in a living room while another lady is serving them coffee. In the center of the picture, against the wall, is a Coleman Oil Heater and the caption calls it the “Best housewarming you ever had with the smartest-styled heater ever made!” The text talks about the Super Circulator that “tops Coleman’s list of stylish new 1950 models!” It mentions their exclusive Automatic Fuel-Air Control and that 13 gleaming models were available at prices starting at $29.95. The ad also has small pictures with captions of their Floor Furnace, their Gas-Wall Heater and their Water Heater.

Source:  October 1950 Country Gentleman.