Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1996 June


Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1996 June

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Contents:  Custer On The Rise (Last in his class at West Point, first in demerits, George Armstrong Custer seemed destined for mediocrity. The Civil War changed that, offering the ambitious Custer a chance to prove through action what he could not prove at the academy: that he was an extraordinary leader of men in combat. This is an exclusive excerpt from the author’s forthcoming book); America Under Two Flags (The yacht America lent her name to the America’s Cup by winning an 1851 race. Later, she lent her speed to both sides in the Civil War, first as a blockade-runner, then as a blockader); All Thumbs (How clumsy would a soldier have to be to shoot off his own thumb? When one regiment experienced an epidemic of missing thumbs, officers suspected the victims were more clever than clumsy); Rush To Glory (If one glorious battle was going to end the “rebellion,” Union Brigadier General Daniel Tyler wanted to get on with it. His lust for action caused a near-fiasco at Blackburn’s Ford on Bull Run in July, 1861) Departments – My War – Muzzle To Muzzle With The Merrimack (A Union Marine gats a very good look at a dreaded and powerful Confederate ironclad as it sets to work at sinking his ship); Travel – The City That Survived Sherman (Atlanta, site of the 1996 Olympic Games, has seen large influxes of visitors before, and has the historic landmarks to prove it. Our author takes us on a guided tour of Civil War Atlanta); Behind The Lines; News; Letters; Reviews; Calendar; Gallery

Issue:  June 1996

Condition:  Very Good