Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1995 January – February


Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1995 January – February

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Contents:  Conversation In Confidence (Stinging from his removal from command, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston confided in an old friend about his Atlanta defense and his succor’s strategy); Living On A Civil War Battlefield (When the author decided to build and farm on part of Virginia’s Cross Keys battlefield, he had to come to terms with the land’s hallowed past); A Landscape That Gave Shape To History (The location of Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, made it a natural focal point for industry, transporation, and war. Today, it is a rewarding destination for historical travel); Out Of The Shadows (Robert C. Tyler’s life – even his identity – has always eluded historians. Now, new clues reveal previously unknown details about the South’s most mysterious General); A Superhighway For Civil War Information (A research center at Louisiana State University undertakes the towering job of creating a comprehensive database of Civil War related materials); Burnside’s Geography Class (For the Union IX Corps, the war was a whirlwind tour of seven states, but it was no pleasure outing. Hard fighting, hard marching, and hard times were the rule); The Maple Leaf Escape (The Rebel Yell rang out on the Chesapeake Bay, announcing the start of a daring escape. But could 71 fugitives cross Union-held territory without being caught); The Great Locomotive Wreck (The Erie Railroad was a huge and usually efficient machine. But when a delayed train and a negligent employee entered the mix, disaster was inevitable. It came at Shohola, Pennsylvania, and Union and Confederate soldiers paid the price) Departments – Behind The Lines; 130 Years Ago; In Print; Letters To The Editor; Coming Events; Time Lapse

Issue:  January – February 1995

Condition:  Very Good