Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1994 January – February


Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1994 January – February

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Contents:  McClellan’s Plantation (Virginia’s picturesque Berkeley Plantation was already one of America’s most historic places when the Union Army of the Potomac decided to bed down there for a few weeks in 1862); In A Nutshell (Lots of soldiers and civilians sent letters home describing the way. But with home more than 5,000 miles away, an immigrant farmer had a lot of background to cover); The James Boys Go To War (The Civil War gave birth to a united nation in North America. It also spawned some of the meanest men history has known: Frank and Jesse James and their fellow “bushwackers”); Leader Of The Klan: The Life Of Nathan Bedford Forrest (Used to victory and at home on the battlefield, Forrest is forced to cope with the Confederacy’s lean years and the postwar Reconstruction in the third and final installment of CWTI‘s profile of the war’s greatest horse soldier); A Civilian At Brice’s Crossroads (Even the elusive Bedford Forrest found himself in a stand-up battle now and again. A Mississippi farmer describes the aftermath); Irreconcilable Differences (Developers want to build a huge auto racetrack near Brandy Station, Virginia, at the site of the Western Hemisphere’s greatest cavalry battle. Preservationist groups are racing to stop them – and quarreling among themselves over how to do it); A Bloody Half-Hour (A few mud walls and a small Rebel garrison at Secessionville, South Carolina, stood between two Union brigades and the cradle of the Confederacy. It was no contest); A Scratch With The Rebels (To Civil War officers, losing a battle like Secessionville meant more than just organizing a retreat and tallying the casualties. It also meant writing some unpleasant letters) Departments – Letters To The Editor; In Print; 130 Years Ago; Behind The Lines; Coming Events; Time Lapse

Issue:  January – February 1994

Condition:  Very Good