Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1994 December


Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1994 December

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Contents:  Frozen In Time (An Alabama ghost town and a fort that shares its name live on outside Mobile); Four Shots For The Cause (A Rebel lieutenant relives the retreat from Gettysburg and battles in Virginia); The Dilemma Of Commodore Craven (U.S.S. Niagara survived the war thanks to her prudent commander, but would he survive his battle with the Secretary of the Navy?); The War’s Most Dangerous Relics (Artillery shells can teach us much about the war – if they are handled with care); An Army Of His Own (Joe Brown’s Georgia had to have its own army, even if it hurt the Southern war effort); Crossed Wires (Telegraph troubles bring Major General Ulysses S. Grant to the brink of ruin); Gateway To The Atlantic (Fort McAllister’s defenders were all that stood between Union Major General William T. Sherman and the sea. They were not about to budge); They Came To Watch (When America went to war with itself, the European powers took ringside seats); The Plain Truth Was Too Plain (Everyone loved Supreme Court Justice Lurton’s story of how he was released from a Union prison through his mother’s pleas to President Lincoln. If only it were true); Napoleon Bonaparte: The Other Burford (Gettysburg hero John Burford’s half-brother marched to the beat of a different drum. His commanders wished he would just follow orders) Departments – Behind The Lines; 130 Years Ago; Letters To The Editor; In Print; Coming Events; Time Lapse

Issue:  December 1994

Condition:  Very Good