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Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1991 November- December


Civil War Times Illustrated Magazine 1991 November- December


Contents:  A $2500 Set of Trading Cards (19th century cigarette maker trading cards of Civil War Heroes), How To Capture A General (The story of Rebel “Gray Ghost” John Mosby kidnapping a sleeping Union General), Break Out (Confederate artilleryman “Wash” Traweek tunnels out of Elmira prisoner-of-war camp and heads home to Alabama), Lincoln’s Murder: The Simple Conspiracy Theory (Why we have been led to believe that Booth acted alone), The Bloody Fifth (The Confederate 5th Infantry eliminates a Federal regiment within 10 minutes), Maffit: “Magician” of the Blockade (How was John Maffit able to sneak his privateer Florida in and out of blockaded Confederate ports), An Unpleasant Relic (A photograph of a branded hand gives an idea of how serious pro- and anti-slavery men were in the years before the Civil War)

Issue:  November- December 1991

Condition:  Very Good