Civil War Chronicles Magazine 1991 Summer


Civil War Chronicles Magazine 1991 Summer

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Contents:  “The Great Arrogance of the Present to Forget the Intelligence of the Past” (The maker of the great documentary on the Civil War tells how the medium of film evokes the emotional reality of history.), The Fires of Norfolk (At war’s outbreak a frightened commander was ready to give away the Union’s greatest navy yard.), Lee’s Greatest Victory (At Chancellorsville. But the cost was too steep.), Then and Now: The Big Gun (One of the most powerful weapons in the service of the South.), The Rock of Chickamauga (Lee, Grant, Jackson, Sherman, Thomas. Yes, George Henry Thomas belongs in that company. The trouble is, he and Grant never really got along.), Lincoln From Life *Previously unknown: the first portrait of Lincoln ever painted.), The Big Parade (Serious postwar tensions within the Union army disappeared in one happy stroke that gave the United States its grandest pageant.)

Issue:  Summer 1991

Condition:  Very Good