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Chrysler Ad May 1965


Chrysler Ad from May 4, 1965 Look magazine.


Chrysler Ad May 1965Chryslers – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the fact that the 1965 Chryslers were Stylish AND Affordable. There is an overhead picture of a Yellow Newport 2-Door Hardtop with a black top which is identified as one of Seventeen models available. The headline suggests that you “Don’t fake yourself out of a new Chrysler and claims that seven out of these seventeen models are “priced just a few dollars a month more than the most popular smaller cars, comparably equipped”. It then claims that the few dollars difference is more than made up with superior equipment and reasons that “If you’re going to pay for a big car, get one”.

Source:  May 4, 1965 Look magazine.