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Chrysler Ad March 1966


Chrysler Ad from March 18, 1966 Life magazine.


Chrysler Ad March 1966Chrysler Newport – Full color 10″ x 12 1/2″ ad with the message that “If you waited all winter to buy a Chrysler, time’s up”. Pictured is a Bronze-colored Newport 2-door Hardtop with a lady in a modest bathing suit standing next to it. Nest to her is a chest containing cold-weather equipment and the area is littered with fallen leaves. The text tells us that even if there is a “nip in the air where you are”, there are Spring prices at your Chrysler dealer. The text gives features of this car and mentions safety features that are on all cars then urges you to look outside and see how poorly your old car survived the Winter.

Source:  March 18, 1966 Life magazine.