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Chrysler Ad 1962 November


Chrysler Ad from November 23, 1962 Life magazine.


Chrysler Ad 1962 NovemberChrysler – Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad that shows a 1963 Chrysler Four-Door. This car is shown looking at it from behind and off to the left so it is possible to see the doors on the driver’s side. The ad headline shouts “$2,964” and, while you are thinking about that, it adds “Small price for this full-size beauty that’s warranted for 5 years of 50,000 miles”. Then, the ad text tells us that “$2964 is the Chrysler price that still surprises people. It’s a price that includes a crisp, new, custom look. (Some call it the newest look in the business.) For this kind of money, you will enjoy wide, deep, comfortable seating for six. You get famed Unibody construction that’s as solid as a safe – with no bolts to breed rattles. More? Yes, more. For $2964 you get torsion-bar suspension – the kind that gives you sure, well-balanced handling. And interior fabrics that would cost you close to $10.00 a yard – beautiful, tastefully designed fabrics. Further, you get the assurance that your investment in a full-size Chrysler won’t be undercut by a jr. edition bearing the Chrysler nameplate – we don’t build them. Top these many benefits with the fact that the power-train of every ’63 Chrysler is warranted for 5 years or 50,000 miles (makes your Chrysler worth much more at trade-in time because the warranty holds good for the next owner, too.) Ready to move to the big one with the small price? See your Chrysler dealer. His deals are as big as the cars he sells”.

Source:  November 23, 1962 Life magazine.