Christian Brothers Ad 1964


Christian Brothers Ad from November 27, 1964 Life magazine.

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Christian Brothers Ad 1964Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for their Cabernet Sauvignon and their Sauvignon Blanc, red and white wines that are both “limited editions”. The ad has a picture of Brother Timothy who is the Brother Cellar-master drawing off a sample of the Cabernet Sauvignon. In the picture he is in a cellar which is filled with barrels setting on their sides. The ad headline says that “In a great tradition – the Christian Brothers Cabernet Sauvignon”. They have made wines for nearly a century in support of their teaching missions on the West Coast. It is suggested, by Brother Timothy, that you try any of the twenty-two great American wines brought to you by the Christian Brother.

Source:  November 27, 1964 Life magazine.