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Chevrolet Station Wagon Ad 1958


Chevrolet Station Wagon Ad from February 1958 National Geographic.


Chevrolet Station Wagon Ad 1958Chevrolet Station Wagons – Full color 6 1/4″ x 10″ ad for their two 4-door 6-passenger Station Wagons. The ad has a picture of a Gold colored Chevrolet Nomad that holds a father, two boys and several remote airplanes that has stopped to pick up another boy and airplane and another picture of a Two-Tone Blue Chevrolet Brookwood Wagon that is parked in front of an Antique Store with a Grandfather Clock being loaded into the back while the woman is carrying smaller items towards the car. The ad headline calls them “New Wagons with Wonderful Ways – these new ’58 Chevrolets and mentions that, beside these models, they still have the 2-door model and a 9-passenger model.

Source:  February 1958 National Geographic.