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Chevrolet Pickup Truck Ad February 1967


Chevrolet Pickup Truck Ad from February 21, 1967 Look magazine.


Chevrolet Pickup Truck Ad February 1967Chevrolet Pickups – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the many reasons to consider buying a 1967 Chevrolet Pickup. There is a picture of a man sitting comfortably in his Green ’67 Chevy Pickup as the headline says that “Its new look is just one nice thing about the ’67 Chevy pickup. It then assures us “There are lots of others” and begins to discuss the other reasons. It talks about methods that will make this truck last longer and improvements in the Safety features. Some popular items were kept like the Independent Front Suspension and the most popular truck sixes and V-8s. If you get the picture from these tidbits of information you are invited to see your Chevrolet dealer and make a purchase.

Source:  February 21, 1967 Look magazine.