Chevrolet Impala Ad October 1964


Chevrolet Impala Ad from October 2, 1964 Life magazine.

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Chevrolet Impala Ad October 1964Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan – Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that shows a beautiful Blue ’65 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan parked in the middle of the action. Behind the car are two people, the female is leaning in to kiss the male who is standing there with a Christmas Tree, I think. The headline says it best, “Beautiful Shape for ’65 – Chevrolet. Everything over, under and around you will be beautifully different”. You have heard of new car changes, well, how about this. “The roof, front, back, side, height, length, room, trim, windows, dash, upholstery, frame, suspension, colors – everything’s new, finer, more luxurious everywhere you look”. Wow! The ad says it best, :What this new Chevrolet amounts to is almost a new kind of land travel!”

Source:  October 2, 1964 Life magazine.