Chevrolet Caprice Ad June 1969


Chevrolet Caprice Ad from June 13, 1969 Life magazine.

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Chevrolet Caprice Ad June 1969Chevrolet Caprice Coupe – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad with the information that “Not all big, comfortable cars have big, uncomfortable prices.” There is a picture of a Green Caprice Coupe parked on a brick driveway with O.J. Simpson and his wife Marguerite standing next to and leaning on this car. The text talks about it looking and feeling expensive yet it has a comfortable price. It mentions the 327-cu engine being the largest standard engine in Chevrolet’s field and that it has conveniences that are not available at any price on other cars.

Source:  June 13, 1969 Life magazine.