Chesterfield Ad 1962


Chesterfield Ad from March 9, 1962 Life magazine.

2 in stock


Chesterfield Ad 1962Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Chesterfield cigarettes that offers “21 Great Tobaccos make 20 Wonderful Smokes!”. We see a picture of a formal evening where two men in suits, standing facing each other with a lit cigarette in their mouths, and a smiling woman, somewhat shorter than the men, who is holding a lit Chesterfield as she is looking at the taller of the two men. The three cigarettes seem to have come from the lineup of 17 cigarettes, the three that they are smoking would make 20 to be a full pack, that are standing next to the pack of Chesterfield in the right corner. The words in the bottom of the ad begin with the words “Pleasure’s True”“Pleasure’s Long” and “Pleasure’s Filter-Free”.

Source:  March 9, 1962 Life magazine.