Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad March 1961


Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad from March 24, 1961 Life magazine.

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Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad March 1961Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for their Meat Ball Stew, advertises as a “Casserole Treat that’s full of meat”. The photo in the ad shows a big pot full of a wonderful stew with a unopened can of this product just behind it. Also on this table is a loaf of bread with one slice taken from it and a teapot just waiting. The ad text says this is “The stew with twelve juicy beef meat balls – you don’t have to dig for the meat! Plump peas and carrots and potatoes all in a hearty brown beef gravy. Rich with the flavor that children love, and grownups, too. All yours in a minute for only about 15 cents a serving”.

Source:  March 24, 1961 Life magazine.