Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad March 1956


Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad from March 19, 1956 Life magazine.

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Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad March 1956Full color 9″ x 13″ ad that is advertising both Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce with Mushrooms and Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce with Meat. This ad starts off with the headline stating to “Glorify your everyday dishes with real Italian flavor” next to a photo that, is either a window just past a small Italian table set for two or a painting next to the table. The ad then says that “Adding matchless Italian flavor to your plain-cooked foods is as pouring on one of Chef Boy-Ar-Dee’s Italian-style Sauces. In no time – you’re enjoying the lively kind of dish you would hope to discover in Italy…perhaps at a table overlooking a colorful Mediterranean harbor. Secret of this inviting flavor is Chef’s fine old Italian sauce recipe. Choice, sun-ripened tomatoes are simmered gently, slowly, then smoothly combined with juicy browned beef or tender mushrooms – and, to add that certain zip, seasoned with characteristic Italian spices. And all you do is heat and serve!”. Below this are two plates of noodles having Spaghetti sauce poured onto them. The one on the left has Spaghetti with Mushroom Sauce instructions and the one on the right, they are actually pouring the sauce onto hard-boiled eggs and it has a recipe for Eggs Boy-Ar-Dee.

Source:  March 19, 1956 Life magazine.