Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad February 1962


Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad from February 9, 1962 Life magazine & April 24, 1962 Look magazine.

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Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad February 1962Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti and Meat Balls. The ad has a picture of a table with a can of Spaghetti and Meat Balls in front of a small chalk board and behind a filled bowl. The bowl contains the Quick Oven-Lovin’ Treat that has the recipe written for it on the board. The ad headline asks if you “Want something fast and filling and fun?” and another headline says this food is “A meal in a minute with the Chef’s touch in it”. In the cost of living of 1962 this was “Only about 15 cents a serving…so you can treat your family often”.

Source:  February 9, 1962 Life magazine & April 24, 1962 Look magazine.