Champion Spark Plugs Ad 1957


Champion Spark Plugs Ad from February 18, 1957 Life magazine.

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Champion Spark Plugs Ad 1957Three color 10″ x 14″ ad with the claim that “You can make your car 4 ways newer with Champion spark plugs”. There is a drawing of an anonymous convertible stopped in a western scene so the two occupants can talk to a cowboy who is leaning against a tree. The engine is black in color and has the numbers one through four pointing toward different parts. Number 1 indicates more road horsepower, number 2 gives you quicker starts, number 3 is responsible for less engine wear while number 4 results in lower cost-per-mile. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  February 18, 1957 Life magazine.