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Carnation Ad 1956 March


Carnation Ad from March 19, 1956 Life magazine.

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Carnation Ad 1956 MarchThree color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Carnation Instant Nonfat Dry Milk Solids. This ad has a picture of a family of four sitting down having a breakfast of Carnation Instant Dry Milk as the husband leans over and kisses his wife as she is pouring milk into a glass. The picture headline claims that “This is the one that’s delicious for drinking!” as the ad headline says “Amazing Milk Discovery Carnation – the ‘Magic Crystals’ Instant”. There is a box that is divided into two sections which has a title saying “Best every way – prove it yourself!”. The first section claims that Carnation Magic Crystals Mix Instantly. Photograph shows Magic Crystals mix instantly and completely, with only a light stir – even in ice-cold water!”. The second section claims that Carnation Magic Crystals Do Not Cake. Exposed to moist air, other types cake, harden. Magic Crystals stay fresh, free-flowing, even in dampest weather”.

Source:  March 19, 1956 Life magazine.