Carnation Ad 1945 December


Carnation Ad from December 17, 1945 Life magazine.

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Carnation Ad 1945 DecemberFull color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Carnation Evaporated Milk – From Contented Cows. This ad, placed just several months after the end of World War II, says “Peace on Earth” and shows three children playing children’s musical instruments around the Christmas tree. They seem to be very into it as they seem to be playing it up to celebrate the fact that there is PEACE. This ad shows a recipe for Carnation Holiday Pudding and the text is as follows. “The din may be ear-splitting and the ‘peace’ a big rugged – but, nevertheless, the hearts of mom and dad swell with pride in their lusty, noisy youngsters. What’s Christmas morn without a little excitement, anyway? Mom and can well be proud of their three healthy youngsters…and mom can take a lot of credit there. She’s the one who started them off on good Carnation Milk…first on the bottle, then in the cup, now in the glass – and in milk-rich dishes for the growing up years. Mom was quick to realize the importance of Carnation’s homogenization and sterilization for easier digestion and safety – and the advantage of extra and abundant ‘sunshine’ Vitamin D (actually 400 U.S.P. units per pint now) for helping build sturdy, straight bones, fine strong teeth and bursting-with-health bodies”. The text continues and, there’s always the recipe ingredients that come when you purchase the ad.

Source:  December 17, 1945 Life magazine.