Car Craft Magazine 2013 July


Car Craft Magazine 2013 July

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Contents:  Up Front – Bench Build (It’s event season, so get out there) Hands On – Speed Parts (Get an early start on Father’s Day shopping); When Too Much Is Just Enough (The easiest 1,000 hp on planet Earth); Build It, Don’t Buy It (TIG-welding techniques); Ultimate LS Cam Test (Monster LS factory cam test); Ask Anything (The great lifter debate and other thorny questions) Project Garage – This Guy’s Garage (Rummaging through Ground Up, Inc’s warehouse) Features – Krass & Bernie (The guys have a run-in with the law); The Affliction Chevelle (An attention-grabbing car with plenty of substance); Active Retirees (The story of Mike Callahan and his Cobra Vic); A Car Craft Tall Tale (Where’s your head at, kid?) Back Of The Book – Where’s The Fun? (Rides, burnouts, blow-ups – oh my!); On The Rack (Melissa Riso is back for more); Rear View (A drag meet in…Sweden)

Issue:  July 2013

Condition:  Very Good