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Car Craft Magazine 2009 October


Car Craft Magazine 2009 October


Contents:  Up Front – This Month On CarCraft.co, (Summer Nats, Summer Nats, and more Summer Nats); Front Man (This is the stuff that keeps Glad up at night); Reader’s Pages (Wow, no hate mail this month. Are we doing something wrong?); Action!! (“Houston, we have liftoff”); Straight Scoop (Look past the lame microcars and you’ll see a sweet Corvette due out next year) Greasy Stuff – This Guy’s Garage (Who knew seeing Hondas would land you so many muscle cars?); Speed Shop (Mopar guys, rejoice. It just got a little cheaper to build a 440); Horsepower! (This old-school big-block churns out more power than you might think); 70HP Head Swap (This engine was no slouch to begin with, either); Alignment Basics (Don’t know your castor from a toe in the ground? Smith will straighten you out); Install Cutouts And Flamethrowers (Impress your friends, annoy your neighbors); Steering Wheel Install (The CC/Rambler gets a new wheel. At least the old one wasn’t sticky like GM cars from the ’70s and ’80s); Emulsion Tube Trickery (Smith loves carbs – carburetors, that is. Come to think of it, he’s not averse to carbohydrates, either); Automatic Overdrive Overview (Swap in an overdrive and watch your mileage skyrocket, if you care about that sort of thing); What’s Your Problem? (Smith also likes fuel lines, and he’s happy to share his knowledge) Fun Stuff – Krass & Bernie (This is why we prefer not to be famous); Joe Mencacci’s ’70 Javelin (AMC fans will freak over Joe’s awesome cross-ram intake); Jeff Beaufoy’s ’70 Nova (Mopar fans will enjoy this turncoat’s new brand of choice); Anti-Tour 2009 (Gray skies are gonna clear up. Put on a happy face) Out Back – On The Rack (John almost asked one of these girls out. She’d have turned him down, anyway); Junkyard Crawl (X marks the spot of the final resting place for these old Chevys); Behind The Scenes (Glad was at a Ford racing press event and brought back pictures); Rear View (We’re sorry about this one)

Issue:  October 2009

Condition:  Very Good