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Canada Dry Ad 1954


Canada Dry Ad from June 1954 Holiday.


Canada Dry Ad 1954Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Quinac which was Quinine Water. The headline tells us that “Smart America cools off with Gin and Tonic” and proceeds to show us several places where this was true. At Famous Beaches where we see a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd with, it seems like, everyone holding a glass of clear liquid. At Home with a drawing of a gathering in a back yard with the men in one group and the women in another with glasses in the hands of the men. And At Renowned Hotels where at a formal dinner the glasses of clear liquids fill many a table. There is a recipe for the perfect Gin and Tonic which you can “Make most delicious with Canada Dry Quinac Quinine Water.

Source:  June 1954 Holiday.