Campus Pants Men’s Clothing Ad October 1968


Campus Pants Men’s Clothing Ad from October 1968 Playboy.

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Campus Pants Men's Clothing Ad October 1968Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Slacks made from Fortrel. Pictured are a young man and a young lady who were caught in a rain storm with an umbrella that did little to protect them. The man, wearing clothes made from Fortrell stands with his hands on his hips, dry as a bone, while the lady stands next to him with her mini-skirt clinging to her body and their mangled umbrella resting on the ground. The headline says that Campus is slacks of Fortrel – the other good thing about a rainstorm” and the text talks about the fabric blend, the colors available and that they are naturally tapered, just like the girl.

Source:  October 1968 Playboy.