Campbell’s Soup Ad 1960 March


Campbell’s Soup Ad from March 14, 1960 Life magazine.

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Campbell's Soup Ad 1960 MarchFull color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Campbell’s V-8 Vegetable Juices. This ad starts off by saying “outflavors”, in ten different colors, “any single juice!”. It then shows, from above, a picture of a glass filled with V-8 Juice standing next to tomatoes, lettuce, celery, carrots as well as other pieces of vegetables. The ad tells you to “Dive right in…V-8 is 8 juices deep in flavor! Its delicious flavor comes from a blend of 8 lucious vegetable juices. Don’t be bashful…dive right in. Your tastebuds will come up smiling and asking for more. Vital statistics on V-8 Vegetable Juices: fewer calories than fruit juice…important vitamins and minerals…choice of four convenient sizes, from the little 6-ounce individual size to the large 46-ounce size that every V-8 lovin’ family needs”.

Source:  March 14, 1960 Life magazine.